Sunday, July 10, 2011

At the Beach

The weather likes to flip-flop and go all over the place depending on what day it is, what time of day it is, what block you are on. But that's no surprise where I live.
Before heading to the beach this day, it was sunny. By the time we reached the sand, it was gloomy and foggy. On the right side is a dog sticking its head out of the top of an RV. So cute, too bad I couldn't zoom in closer on its face.

On this sunny day at a different beach, the sky was clear and blue, and after a couple of hours, I actually turned a couple of shades darker, which never happens unless I venture out of the city. On the right side, I waited for the wave to recede and snapped a photo of the water, looks quite soapy.

If the weather allowed it, I could spend all day on the beach.

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