Saturday, November 13, 2010

boys have bouts of immaturity

Sometimes I think my boyfriend is immature. It kind of annoys me, but it's very probable that any change is impossible. If he were to change, that would probably set off a chain reaction into a downward spiral. That's why I think it's best for me to just vent it out instead of trying to change him. You should never try to change your significant other. It's just not a good idea. It's like one of the laws of nature.
So there are times when I am talking, but he is either not listening, or thinking of something else, or getting ready to talk about something he wants to talk about. I don't know...but I've always thought it was plain simple common sense to ... listen when I'm talking, wait for me to finish talking, and then respond... you know, as in having a conversation, duh. and I would do the same in the reverse situation, of course. So I am in the middle of asking a question, he interrupts me with one of his questions. Sometimes, as I am in the middle of speaking, he bursts into song, usually singing along with the radio. what the ...?? HELLO, I WAS TALKING! LISTEN!!! Efforts of constructing a conversation wasted.
Kicking me in the ass in Target...errrggghhh (screams in head!)! Ow that hurt and what the heck was that for? Meant to have a humorous effect on me? -_- I'm not without a sense of humor, but that was completely lost on me. I proceeded to punch him several times in the stomach. My bouts of violence were probably much more heinous than his bout of immaturity, but oh well, my instance of a downward spiral. or maybe I've just been stressed and that was igniting it all, like the straw that broke the camel's back or something. But he didn't seem bothered, was still entertained by the whole episode.
Most of the time, he's pretty clairvoyant about how I feel and I don't need to tell him if I'm sad or angry. He's always sweet, caring, and fun. But then there are times when he just has no clue what I'm feeling or thinking. Again, it's probably just me being moody. The interrupting me bit I could do without.
But I don't think I could do without him. Damn...