Friday, December 23, 2011

Blah blah blah...

I haven't recorded any thoughts with substance in a long time. That bothers me. There will now be huge chunks of my life that I will never remember again.
Let's see several months back, I went to Sydney, Australia for the first time ever. I got to reunite with some family members and meet other relatives for the very first time, including my 2-year-old niece (Is it still your niece/nephew when they are your cousin's kids? *shrugs*), who is just the most perfect kid ever (Don't ask me why). The main purpose of my being there was for a funeral. I won't get into that, because it does make me sad, even though I did not know her well and we had only met once before. Despite the sad occasion, it was just so nice to be with so many relatives, all at the same time. It was almost a legitimate vacation, despite some circumstances I could not change. But that's just like life, you have to take the good with the bad, and rarely do we get the chance to pluck out imperfections we don't want. Next time I visit, I'll make sure I actually see more attractions, do more touristy things. I did see the main spots, such as the Opera House, of course, Darling Harbor, Manly Harbor, Queen Victoria Building, ate at a lovely restaurant with my beautiful cousin.
A few weeks after I returned we celebrated Tim's 25th birthday, sort of... but he didn't feel like celebrating actually. Doesn't matter, I'm happy to do whatever he wishes on his birthday as long as he wishes to spend it with me. I still feel like it's weird that we're not teenagers anymore, or not adolescents anymore...when did that happen? I actually did not get him a birthday gift, since I purchased a new laptop for him a few weeks prior to him actually turning 25. I wish I could have done more, but oh well...that time has passed and new opportunities will be seized.
Few weeks after that, I was summoned for jury duty. Oh excuses did not suffice. My travel date would not coincide with the end of the case, nor were my past experiences enough of a bias to get myself out of there. It was also the week of Thanksgiving...bummer, but at least the first week of jury duty, I only had to be there for 3 days, the rest of the week was closed due to Thanksgiving holiday.
I am somewhat ashamed that I spent my Black Friday snuggled up in bed purchasing things I did not need through the internet. Luckily, I also snagged a bunch of items that could be used for Christmas gifts. I think I may have been extra generous this year to some people, and my bank account balance can attest to that. I was saddened to see that I'm not saving as much as I intended, but I'm glad it's because I'm doing something nice for other people and I'm not being 100% selfish. I digress...
So even though jury duty is exhausting in the sense that I cannot talk to anyone while court is in session and no one to really communicate with during recess and the breaks are so long with nowhere to go, it was depressing, even though I was forced to put up with that, I was still glad to be out of the office and have a valid excuse, and I didn't even feel up to showing up after court most days. -_-
Once the case was over, I'm not disappointed that I was selected as a juror. I learned a thing or two, such as the difference between assault and battery. According to the DA, battery means that physical abuse had occurred and the victim had come into contact with weapon, or said abuse, whereas assault does not necessarily include coming into contact with anything, but an intent to harm did occur. I may have just gotten all that wrong... I also feel like we all need to be more active about protecting our community, because when people are harassed or victimized, or if rudeness just exists, and we all act complacently towards it or ignore it or wish it away, it is the same thing as accepting wrongdoing in our own lives.
So, while that was going on, celebrated Thanksgiving with my parents. I bought her a pearl necklace from All I know is they're supposed to be quality, freshwater pearls. The only reason why I chose to purchase from them is because jlovesmac1 had a coupon code for 75% off, so a necklace near $150 became $40 something. I don't feel bad about budgeting for my mother, because I often feel bad about not being appreciated for the gifts I yeah... I don't remember as most encounters are uncomfortable and often unpleasant. Black Friday was also my mom's birthday. I managed to drag Tim along with me, because I'm too weak to survive two nights in a row on my own. It's hard for me, because there's never anyone on my side or anyone in my age range to talk to. If there's other people around, I'm either making awkward conversation with an elderly person or babysitting or watching the young'ns play with their ipods. (Why do kids have these? o.O I swear...back in my day...) Anyhoodillyoooo.....That was actually the last time I saw my parents, I feel bad I don't call or visit more often...I guess my instincts prevent me from doing something I don't want to do, but I really should...because they are my parents and I need to be a good daughter...if anything, just to ease my own conscience, so I have no regrets about my being a good person. =\ Damn you, conscience.
More recently, Tim and I went to Disneyland! It was so festive with all the twinkly lights and the holiday-themed castle. Is it worth going all the way there just for the decorations? No. It's pretty, but heck, you can look up the pictures on the internet, and they'll probably be better than the pictures you take with your own camera, because it's too hard to Photoshop the hoards of people out of your shot. It also takes way too long for other people to move out of the way, so you can wait your turn to take a photo in front of the castle, or other photo spots. How frustrating. Now, is it worth it to take time off and enjoy a 3-day weekend with your loved ones/significant other in the happiest place on Earth? Yep! The memories began and now they're over and I've captured them in my digital camera and I will save them to my hard drive and forever they will remain, or until the files get corrupted or I forget about them entirely and then the memory fades into oblivion, but still more reliable than our own human brain memories. World of Color is still my favorite show out of all the ones that Disney puts out, including the ones at Disney World in Florida. Even though we bought a 3-course dining option at Ariel's Grotto that came with Reserved Seating for World of Color, my view of the show was more limited than last year when we somehow magically ended up right in front of the water (Maybe we just snuck up there and nobody complained, miraculously.) I had a great time and now I'm back.
Since then, I have turned 24. Aging...I don't like it, I do feel a quarter-life crisis coming on. I'll save that whining for another time. After considering what I wanted, I decided I wanted to have a steak dinner with Tim. We ended up at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I wanted to go out and do something special, even though he could care less. Tim's just very low maintenance. I hardly ever go out anymore, so I wanted to do it for my birthday and I asked for just that. Now that I'm older (if not wiser), I just feel like I got to ask for what I want and just do it, no more being overly demure and accepting what is offered, if not too forward. I'll miss out on so much if I don't just say what I want. Claude Kelly's Forever: ["You gotta say what you want."]. Tim's family also took me out for tapas on the actual evening of my birthday. It was lovely, like actually being with a normal family with a normal amount of dysfunction, as opposed to a fully dysfunctional family.
Now Christmas is upon us. Tonight is the eve of Christmas Eve.
Honestly, I'm dreading Christmas. I've always kind of thought that the holidays were a time of obligation. You're obligated to be a better person than you normally are throughout the rest of the year, obligated to spend time with your family, even the relatives you don't like, just obligated to show up, because that's what you're 'supposed to do.' I know that all sounds wrong, because it should be a happy time to spend with your family and really appreciate what you've got. I do appreciate what I have and I'm glad I'm able to live as comfortably as I do, but I can't deny that sometimes the holidays just make me a little depressed. I almost wish I could sleep through the weekend, wake up on Monday and find myself with that day off from work and...*sigh of relief.* Aside from that depressing note, I find myself really in the giving spirit. I've caught the gift-shopping bug, and I'm kind of glad the holidays will soon be over, so I can go back to saving my hard-earned chump change. =D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

At the Beach

The weather likes to flip-flop and go all over the place depending on what day it is, what time of day it is, what block you are on. But that's no surprise where I live.
Before heading to the beach this day, it was sunny. By the time we reached the sand, it was gloomy and foggy. On the right side is a dog sticking its head out of the top of an RV. So cute, too bad I couldn't zoom in closer on its face.

On this sunny day at a different beach, the sky was clear and blue, and after a couple of hours, I actually turned a couple of shades darker, which never happens unless I venture out of the city. On the right side, I waited for the wave to recede and snapped a photo of the water, looks quite soapy.

If the weather allowed it, I could spend all day on the beach.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What I Wore to Work

I decided to try something new. What I've worn to work a couple of weeks ago. I liked what I wore and decided to take photos using the full-length mirror at work.

Navy blue blazer: H&M. I liked the stripes inside, shown at the cuffed sleeves
Long blue tunic (too short & too tight to wear as a dress for work, so I tucked it into a skirt): Forever 21
Shiny navy skirt (came with the belt): Forever 21
Black tights: Target
Navy blue pumps: Target, I think they're the Pearce pumps?

Military jacket: Costa Blanca
Grey ruffled sleeveless shirt: Express, It's sort of loose, so I put a plain black belt around the waist, maybe should have tried a thicker waist belt instead.
Plain straight leg black pants
Navy quilted bag with chain strap: Ebay

Oh yeah, I really like navy blue.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Compliments & Insults

Can you take a compliment? I think in person, I blush and cringe, and I retreat to my awkward, bumbling self. But, deep down, I like being complimented. Who doesn't? It's nice knowing that someone noticed something good about you and brought it up in conversation. For some reason, I tend to always return a compliment, even if I don't believe what I say. I know, what a faker I am. I can't help myself. I don't know why I believe everything should be an even exchange.
So I've come to this theory that most people believe a compliment from a friend, family member, significant other, basically someone they are close to, is sort of just a comment in passing, or something positive mentioned for obligatory reasons. A compliment from a stranger holds no obligations, is obtained because the said stranger wants to deliver a compliment simply because he or she may be impressed with your feat, action, attribute, et cetera. Now because we know a stranger never needs to say anything to make us feel better about ourselves, or to maintain a positive relationship, they must really mean what they say. (Unless they're paying a compliment to get something in return...? That's another story.) In turn, it causes us to value a compliment from a stranger more highly than a compliment from someone we actually know.

On the other hand, an insult from a stranger may just be a bully being a bully, a dumbass running off his or her mouth, or a jerk working out his or her own issues. Who cares, right? We don't know this person. If they say something bad to us, let it go, we'll never see them again. So another comment goes ignored. Well you should ignore it, you don't know this jackass. Now when we receive an insult from a loved one, it hurts so much more. You think how could this person that you trust treat you so hurtfully? But nobody is perfect, we all hurt each other. If they're worth it, you work on it and repair the damage.
It's late and I must go to bed, only to wake up at an ungodly hour. Too bad I'm ending this on such a depressing note. Well that's typical of me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I can't stand idiotic humor

I'm sorry to the creators of 40 year-old Virgin, Hot Fuzz, and most recently Just Go With It. It was ridiculous and to think that millions of viewers are falling out of their seats, laughing hysterically baffles me. I just do not think that it is funny watching people be in awkward situations, or go through unnecessary pain, emotional or physical. In fact, it makes me cringe and I have to look away because it is just too awkward of a situation, or I would die of humiliation if something of similar effect were to happen to me, i.e. if I were a hairy man getting my chest waxed in front of my so-called buddies, OR watching a sad old hag pop one of her implants and then go through the disturbing...scene when her plastic surgeon puts numbing cream on her nipples, and then proceed to flick and pull at her nipples, asking 'Can you feel that?' I'm just watching these movies, staring aghast, practically disgusted, wondering what could be appealing about this type of 'humor'? I can only label this type of comedy as 'idiotic humor,' for lack of a better term. I know that many, many, MANY people out there enjoy these types of comedies, mostly males. I can understand a young boy, not quite mature, maybe one who still has nap time at school, enjoying idiotic humor and choking on guffaws. When it is someone who is in their 20s, or even late teens, I can't quite understand what could be so funny. Maybe guys just like to laugh at stupid things. Yep, it's true and most will even admit it. The more juvenile the humor, the heartier the laughter. When I witness it, I will still have a facial expression with a question mark on it, and partially one of disgust.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pacific Coast

In the last few years, does it seem like these natural disasters just don't stop?
Hurricane Katrina, Indonesia, Hoover Dam, flooding in China, huge Richter scale earthquake in Sichuan, Haiti, and now the tsunami on the Pacific Coast, mainly the damage it has cost Japan.
These are only a few.
Now, not to diminish the enormity of these disasters, but are these natural disasters occurring more frequently and on a larger scale? Or do they seem that way due to population growth. Since the population is ever growing at a ridiculous rate, it may appear that these natural disasters are incurring higher death tolls. OR, maybe it is because the population is growing at an exponential rate, the way we harm nature is what is causing natural disasters to occur more frequently and at much larger scales than they have occurred in the past. I think I agree more with this theory. If that is the case, then we, the human population, especially us in this comfortable affluent society, are causing disasters, thus making these disasters not so 'natural' after all.
I'm happy to hear that the e-mail I received at work informed all of us employees that the 14k or so employees in Japan have been accounted for and are all safe. However, I wonder how that information could have been dispensed within hours of the tsunami happening.
It is quite disturbing and disheartening to see these disasters popping up everywhere. There is no time for any one group of people to recover from their disastrous state before a brand new disaster has already occurred. To many of us who are rather sheltered and removed from the face of disaster, we feel like we can't do much to help anyone, except carry on with our everyday lives and dole out a donation if can or if we deem a cause worthy of our time and hard-earned dollars. But instead, I ask not what can I do (which isn't ever really much, in any situation), but just what caused this flood, what caused this earthquake, in this location? Why are these people suffering, especially the Asian areas, while most of us, in the U.S. (you got to admit) have caused, has caused, or will cause, the most environmental damage in the world, we sort of get to be sheltered from facing any direct danger? Ok, knock on wood (or touch wood), because I don't want to inflict any type of disaster, harm on anyone or anything.
It's just sad...and I wonder why certain things happen to certain people.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sugar & Fat = Happiness

In my tiny kitchen, made these high calorie, deathly deliciousness...
Yummy...these are huge. It's hard to eat just one.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Invest in what?

Another sucky day for the market. Few stocks did well today. Of the few was HGSI (Human Genome Sciences Inc.), and it looks like they recently reported. In fact, it looks like a lot of biopharm companies had a good day today. Also, their IR site looks very professional and clean, with all the information you could ask for, from releases to analyst coverage, and news updates. Actually this is what I expect from all IR websites. Why should I go on a wild goose chase looking for information that should be provided by the company? Sometimes, I just get annoyed with websites that look cheap, for lack of a better word, and just plain difficult to navigate.
So anyways, they currently boast a strong cash position. Not only that, their breakthrough drugs in the works are treatments for anthrax inhalation, lupus, and diabetes. Some are already in the process of obtaining approval from the FDA, quite impressive. Now the diabetes drug I'm most impressed with, but I thought about it just to play devil's advocate. Why don't we invest in programs, starting with children in grade school, emphasizing the dangers of overindulging in sugar? Well these types of socially positive, feel-good programs never really take off, in fact they're kind of waved away and ignored. A good friend of mine said 'America likes to come up with really expensive fixer-uppers to problems with simple solutions.' Case in point: expensive breakthrough drug therapy for insulin imbalance more impressive than moderate sugar intake with self-control, a.k.a. prevention. I guess I'm being too harsh if diabetes is hereditary, and not so much self-induced.
I believe that people don't like to change and especially don't like other people telling them they're doing something wrong. If someone's been eating lots of sugar & fat their whole lives, they don't want to hear someone, especially not a stranger, tell them that they need to change. *ahem* Jamie Oliver's experiment. I forgot where it was that he went. West Virginia was it? Now he goes to this town and tells them they're all unhealthy and they need to change their eating habits. Of course he's going to get a negative reaction. Good intentions are not enough, not at all, to spark a ("food") revolution. Now, I've only seen a few episodes with the boyfriend, who loves these documentary-like episodes. So the lunch ladies don't like him. Well duh, he's marching into their territory (the kitchen) and telling them their food is sucks. It's all processed, byproducted from what once was food. Lunchladies' reaction: You suck, we've been eating this all the time, what's wrong with it? Jamie needs to provide more solid reasoning why processed food is bad and why his stir-fries are better. Why are fresh ingredients better than processed byproducts? What nutrients does it have that the human body needs for health? Also, Jamie went on to tell them that they have excellent kitchen equipment, but they don't use it for anything other than reheating meat byproducts. Of course they're going to take offense to that. You're going to walk into someone else's job, do their job for a day, and tell them they don't even know how to use the same equipment they've been using for years? Even if Jamie is kind of right, I would be offended if some British jerk I didn't know told me I didn't know how to use the same things I've been using. Also, he cooked a lot of stir fry on that show. Stir fry is great for incorporating a lot of different ingredients, but man it looked like there wasn't much variety with his recipes on that show. and sometimes it looked pretty oily. What's more healthy than eating fruits & vegetables as they naturally are? You're not losing any of the nutrients that it already has.
Anyways these types of shows really bring to my eyes that some people eat junk food daily, as a staple. I'm surprised that, in a post agricultural revolution world, we're leaning more towards processed foods with preservatives, maybe for convenience, maybe for taste. How is it that as we gain more options for sustenance, a lot of people are actually leaning towards something manufactured from man-made ingredients, which isn't actually "food" (if you're considering the earth-grown nutrient rich concept of food).
Now I am very guilty of eating out more often than I should, and giving in to my sweet tooth. (Hey I'm human.) I guess we all know what's good for us, but a lot of times, it's just easier to put our health on the back burner. What's your excuse?
Oh yeah, on a separate note, I'm not sure about this one and I'm too lazy to check. It looks like CREE randomly had an ok day. It started off strong and then I guess a lot of people took their profits and checked out, leaving the LED wonder ticker to level off by the close of the day.

more randomness:
Pet peeves: incompetent people,
people who don't show effort
hypocrites. It's ridiculous and it's not right for anyone to get upset about something someone else did and turn around and do the exact same thing.

Other things that have really been bothering me lately...oh yeah customer service really sucks. People, do your job... Excuses for mistakes are a turn-off. Need I say more?

I think I need to write about something more positive, for my own sake.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Been Working Hard...and so little to show for it

So in the last few weeks, I thought I'd fix that little problem by rewarding myself...

This necklace has a two bows, a row of faux diamonds, a chain, a bigger different chain, a key at the bottom, and a heart. I just noticed the engraving on the heart reads "Love the Lord your God with all your heart Luke 10:27" and the back reads "With all my Heart." My lack of belief in any type of religion turns me off a little bit, but whatever I still like it. =]
Braided stretchy headband, silver

Black Flower Ring
Stretchy Shorts
Lace Headbands
Stretchy black & brown striped skirt
Seamless navy blue leggings
Seamless brown leggings
Foldover red sweater dress

Rimmel London Airy Fairy lipstick
Maybelline NY Coverstick Concealer Deep Beige

Mascara Guard with Eyelash Comb
Plastic perfect bun contraption
I used it a couple of times, not entirely satisfied with results, but I'll figure it out with hair product or something.

Khaki Blazer
This blazer's pockets are actually functional. Yay. It has 4 buttons, which is quite unusual on such a small garment.

What can I say? New things make me happy. *shrugs*
Time to close the wallet now. I hope =]