Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A while ago, a stranger on the N car told me 'This is such a beautiful city.' I guess I'm finally realizing that I sort of take it for granted that I live in this gorgeous town. The rolling hills, parks, views, skyscraping monsters that deck the skyline. Why yes, it is quite a beauty. I need to take more pictures.

I still want to have that picnic at Dolores Park

Today, via public transportation, a stranger asked me for the time and then she went on and on about having to be on time for some meeting. I had trouble paying attention. So to make it seem like I was actually interested in talking to her, I said 'That's a cute dog you have there.' (Not really...a chihuahua with a gold heart around its neck with 'Honey' as the inscription, wearing a bright pink sweater over a blue sweater, and get this...its claws were painted PINK). Stranger's reply 'Thank you, her name is Sweet Honey, because she's so sweet.' I guess it's quite adorable that she loves her dog so much. Everyone's gotta love someone or something, right?

Does love really exist? Pardon me for being a cynic, but sometimes I think love is just a four-letter word cooked up by some geniuses in ancient history who wanted to make money. Think about it. When people say they fall in love, they want to spend time together, paroosing around town, buying each other gifts, items that show sentimental value. And it all costs MONEY. Why don't we have the whole world fall head over heels for each other? Wouldn't that be an economy-stimulator? Consumer spending pushed by LOVE...Aww, how sweet. Right... -.-

It may seem that I have a very negative attitude, and I may be wrong. (Most of the time, I am wrong.) Now, most relationships I see do not last indefinitely. The ones that do last are apparently people who are just fooling themselves. I'm not saying EVERY COUPLE out there is fooling themselves. I'm sure you or your significant other or someone else's lover is, in fact, very much in love. At this point in my life, I just feel that there is no such thing as happily ever after. A couple may be together for a month, a year, or a decade, or share a home and a family. Even then, many couples, especially couples who claim they are 'happily married' still end up broken up, separated, divorced, etc. Nothing is for certain, nothing is guaranteed. Life is an adventure. Today you're strolling down La La Land, and tomorrow you may be filing for divorce.

Now to actually say that the person you are with right now is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with puts a lot of pressure on the relationship. The best thing to do is to just enjoy your happy moments while they last. To expect 'happily ever after' and 'forever' does put a strain on the present. Living in the moment and appreciating the present without expecting too much from the future is the best way to go. Hrm, sounds like I should actually take that bit of advice and apply it to my own life.

What's that saying? Learn from the past, live for the moment, and look towards the future? Something like that. I say learn from the past. Learn from your mistakes, your significant other's mistakes, your friend's mistakes. Just take it all in. Everything you experience or come close to becomes a lesson learned, one way or another. Take in the knowledge and learn from it. If we don't learn, we're really not benefiting from anything.
Live for the moment. Definitely. Once the moment's past, you can't get it back. Do what you love, do it now, and hopefully end up without regrets. =]
As for the future, plan for it. Can't plan for everything. If you do, you'll just end up disappointed. Look forward to it, because hopefully it'll turn out great.

I just heard that on Hulu, the UC DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM is a SPONSOR. Huh? Correct me if I'm wrong. Sponsors put up cash to get their name out there, like advertising, right? Now, why does the UC Davis Health System need to spend money to put it into some form of entertainment, while tuition hikes are about 32% recently?
The way I see it, the UC Davis Health System is for students, students who don't already have health insurance, members of faculty, etcetera. Other than that, I really don't think that this facility will be getting any more clients. So what is the point in getting their name out there? Nobody else will use these services. Plus, Davis is in the middle of nowhere. Other than by over-enrolling the campus, its population is not going to grow by much. In conclusion, UCD sponsor Hulu...WHY???
But good job to students who demand to know why tuition is skyrocketing, what it is they are actually paying for, and a healthy determination in finding out where their money is going. Power to the people and to education. Seriously, where is this country going if education is falling apart?

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